Happy Saturday, readers!
As you may or may not already know I have a wheat allergy. If I eat it my limbs swell up like sausages and my joints only allow me to move around like my 92 year old grandma. (I'm 33 by the way) So the solution? I don't eat wheat. Duh. Simple enough, right? And I'm pretty much ok with that. Of course I sometimes miss those wonderful baked goods I enjoyed before discovering a grain free existence. And I usually find a comparable substitute from one of the recipe blogs I follow. But there was no substitute today.
Today my friend, Liz, and I went to a Puerto Rican restaurant for lunch. She is my adventurous food lover friend. The one I can go get Thai, Ethiopian, or Indian food with. For years I have been a connoisseur of the Cuban Sandwich. Ham, roasted pulled pork, cheese, pickles, and mustard on pressed Cuban bread. What's not to love? It is the perfect sandwich.
Now usually when I come across a dish that has a bread component I just ditch it (ie lettuce wrapped burger, turning tacos into taco salad, etc). But with the Cuban you can't do that. You HAVE to have that delicious buttery bread with the grill marks burned into it.
I fought hard and almost gave in, but feeling better all the time physically kind of trumps the five minutes of bliss I might have had with that sandwich.
Instead Liz and I shared the most delicious platter of garlic pulled pork shoulder and yuca roasted in garlic butter.
And I gave myself a gold star because six months ago I would've ate the damn sandwich anyways.
What were your triumphs this week?
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