Saturday, January 5, 2013

Surprise Date Night!

Hello, readers!

Last night the Mister and I had a real treat! We got to go on a date. This is a rare thing for us as my husband is ALWAYS working. Seriously, like 60 hours a week plus an hour travel time everyday. So quality time is very precious to us.

First we went to dinner at a local steakhouse. We had an awesome conversation about our plans for the next few months like moving, me changing jobs, and things we'd like to work on (ie decluttering the house and buying a second car). It was an awesome meal and time spent with the Mister.

After dinner we went to one of my favorite stores, Trader Joe's! I needed to stock up on an assortment of nuts, dried fruit, and other things to snack on. I highly suggest any of their trek mixes. I truly love this store. It's so bright and colorful and the staff are always friendly and helpful!

Finally my husband took me somewhere really special- WHOLE FOODS! Whole Foods came to the Hampton Roads area this past October and I just have not had a chance to check it out. It is GORGEOUS! Seriously guys, I want to live there. From their bulk spice setup to their freshly made nut butters to their produce displays. Everything is beautiful! And best of all? They have a real deal butcher counter! None of our local grocery stores have this. I have always dreamed of going to a butcher counter. I know I'm weird. So we explored this wonderful store and the Mister picked up some salsa he'd been looking for and I picked up some arrowroot starch so I can finally try this nut-free sesame hamburger bun recipe by The Paleo Mom.

I really enjoyed this special night and it became the first entry in our 2013 memory jar!

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